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Do you suffer from any gastrointestinal problems?
Find out more about your problem here.
GBMC is here to simplify the problem and provide you with the solution.



It is the food pipe that connects your pharynx & mouth, to your stomach. A variety of problems can affect it, causing heartburn, regurgitation, difficulty swallowing or pain.

The pancreas is a very unique organ. It has many regulatory functions: endocrine and exocrine functions.

The adrenal or supra-renal glands are extremely important glands in the regulation of a lot of hormonal responses, regulation of blood presseure, water re-absorbtion.

It is the reservoir of food and the initial defense line in the GI tract. It has multiple functions and is affected by multiple diseases

This is where all the food gets digested, absorbed and the waste products of digestion discarded. It is the longest part of the gastro-intestinal tract.

Hernias are defects that allow abnormal protrusion of an organ into it. Most common hernias known are the external hernias that occur in the abdominal wall.

The largest solid organ in the body is the liver. It has a variety of metabolic activities, and no one can survive without a functioning Liver.

The Spleen is an important organ for immunity against certain types of bacteria. It also filters the blood from any unwanted cells, and damaged own body blood cells.