They are usually done for complications, weight regain or inadequate weight loss after previous procedures. Before undergoing surgery, extensive counseling has to be done to understand the problem. The anatomy of previous procedures has to be studied thoroughly. After all modalities are exhausted, patients can undergo a revisional procedure. They carry higher risk than primary procedures, in the medical literature, as high as three times the risk of primary procedures.
These operations usually require more time and effort compared to the first procedures. The anatomy of tissues is usually altered, and adhesions have to be separated. After restoring the familiar anatomy, the intended procedure can be done. Even after multiple previous open operations, the procedure can be done laparoscopically. It is our center’s policy to tackle everything laparoscopically as it provides us better visualization and provides the patient more comfort. These complex procedures, are our center’s main interest. Our results are excellent, with great patient satisfaction and quality of life record after these procedures.